The Emporia City Commission met Monday for an action session ahead of the 4th of July holiday.
Among the items approved were a permit and temporary easement for Bunge North America for a rail spur paralleling the rail spur currently in place and sweeps around to 12th and Whittier. The cost of the project is $50,000 and won’t interfere too much on existing ball fields near Whittier Park. Mayor Danny Giefer says residents in that area will notice some changes once finished.
Bunge approached the city about six months ago with a proposal as they seek to meet the demand for additional rail shipments. The project will likely begin in early 2019, according to Giefer.
In other business, commissioners approved a bid for a new solid waste truck and for a beer garden at the July 21 Downtown Emporia Bar Association’s annual festival.
The next Emporia City Commission study session will take place at 9 a.m. July 11, which will be followed by a quarterly luncheon with the Lyon County Commission.