Garage Sale
2036 E. 6th Ave. – Multi-Family Garage Sale
Friday, March 14: 8 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 15: 7 a.m. to Noon
Weber Kettle Grills x 3, Coleman Cooler, Disc Golf portable basket, Wineguard Pathway Satelite X2, Corn Hole set, Raquet ball raquet and case, Undercounter radio, Designer Purses, Miss Me Jeans, Americana decor, lots of home decor. Womens clothing and a lot of extras!
Advertise Your Garage Sale!
For just $10, you receive:
Your Garage Sale listed above (UNLIMITED ONLINE VERBIAGE)
- Your Garage Sale will be read LIVE On-Air throughout the week as well as at 7:15 and 9:15 on Friday morning and 8:10 on Saturday morning.
- We will consistently encourage listeners to visit this web page throughout the week.
- The KVOE RAIN OUT GUARANTEE – if your garage sale gets rained out, we will list your new garage sale date for free.
To get your garage sale listed at this special garage sale price, you can email your garage sale listing to, drop it off at the station (1420 C of E Drive), or mail it to:
KVOE Garage Sale
PO Box 968
Emporia, KS 66801
You can pay by clicking the link below:
We have to receive your $10 before we can list your garage sale. If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at 620-342-1400.
Sample Garage Sale Ad
Address – Multi-Family Sale
Friday, February 30 from 7 am-Noon
Saturday, February 31 from 7 am-Noon
Items include 16’ Jon Boat, motor, & trolling motor, Geo Trax train set (mint condition, with lots of extra tunnels, bridges, etc…), bikes, 2 pools, inversion table, large computer desk, R/C dinosaur.