The Kansas 8 man All-Star games will be played Saturday. Area schools will be well represented in both games.
There are 6 area players who will play in the Division I game. Representing Burlingame will be
Garret Robinson and Austin Tyson. From Chase County Owen Eidman and Trint Rogers. From Madison Hunter Engle, Issac Miser, and Ryan Wolgram. The Head Coach for the East will be Madisons’ Alex McMillian one of his assistants will be Chase Countys Brody Vandergrift.
There will be 4 area players playing in the Division II game.
Playing for the East Squad will be Lebo’s Jerome Ferguson and Andrew Bailey. Zack Skillman of Waverly and Andy Andrews of Hartford. Lebo Coach Brian Hadley and Hartford Coach Colton Barret are assistants for the East Squad.
The Division II game will be played at 10 am and the Division I game at 1:30 pm in Beloit.