Here soon, administrative teams from Newman Regional Health and CrossWinds Counseling and Wellness will start meeting to discuss plans for the current CrossWinds headquarters location.
Newman Regional Health needs space for its hospice and finance departments, while CrossWinds is looking to consolidate its local offices into one location. On Wednesday, the hospital’s Board of Trustees authorized Chief Executive Officer Bob Wright to begin the negotiation process. Wright tells KVOE News a lease agreement for 1000 Lincoln, CrossWinds’ current home office, has been in place since the late 1980s and expires in June 2024.
Audio PlayerCrossWinds, meanwhile, is continuing internal conversations and plans to divulge more information about its plans soon.
Wright says the property is appraised at slightly over $700,000, and it makes sense to renovate the existing building — if needed — rather than tear it down and start over, which could cost upwards of $3 million based on current materials costs. He also says the building is in a better location than what the hospital had originally thought. Hospital administrators have been considering a teardown of the current physical therapy space, once the old emergency department in the hospital’s southeast corner is renovated and physical therapy moves in. There was some consideration to having hospice move to 12th and Chestnut, but Wright says the current CrossWinds office is a better plan.
Funds would come from the hospital’s fund overseen by the Emporia Community Foundation.