Emporia is among three area communities and almost 50 cities and towns statewide taking part in the annual “Bucks for Buckles” travel safety campaign.
The campaign involves the Kansas Department of Transportation, Safe Kids Kansas and State Farm and goes through Sept. 12. Volunteers will hand dollar bills to drivers who have all their occupants properly buckled in their vehicles. People riding unrestrained will receive educational materials about the effectiveness of both seat belts and child safety seats in reducing injuries or saving lives. Safe Kids Kansas says 56 percent of the 365 people who died on Kansas roads last year were unbuckled, and the 2020 KDOT Seat Belt Survey showed 85 percent of Kansans wear seat belts — which sounds impressive but puts the state 42nd nationally and behind the national average of 90 percent.
Specific dates are not listed, but Emporia will have its Bucks for Buckles stop at Emporia State University. Other participating area towns and locations:
*Council Grove: Council Grove Elementary and Morris County High School
*Osage City: 618 Market