As technology and social media continue to expand, the term stranger danger no longer just applies to in-person interactions with unknown individuals, but also online conversations.
While speaking with KVOE News recently, SOS Outreach and Prevention Coordinator Danielle Armitage took time to inform parents about the dangers of online predators. She says many individuals are often cruising through the internet looking for young unsuspecting victims to prey on.
She says with this in mind it is important that parents and children have a serious conversation about the importance of protecting themselves online.
Armitage says parents should set guidelines and parameters with their children when it comes to spending time on the internet. She adds, that parents should also frequently check their children’s browser history to ensure they are not visiting any websites that could lead to dangerous situations in the future.
Some may say this could be viewed as an invasion of privacy. In response, Armitage says it is equally important for parents to research and understand new apps and social media trends that their children may be engaging in.
Additionally, Armitage says parents should not be too quick to punish their children for online “mistakes.” She explains that most children may not fully understand the risks and consequences of misusing social media or the internet.
She says providing understanding rather than punishment can be a stronger deterrent of future misuse.
For more information on how to keep your children safe while surfing the web, visit SOS’ Facebook page where they will be posting new tips and advice on a regular basis.