There wasn’t much movement in Lyon County’s new coronavirus caseload between Tuesday and Wednesday. There was a noticeable dip an active cases.
Lyon County Public Health announced four new cases Wednesday after 39 new cases were reported for the Labor Day holiday weekend. Active cases, however, dropped from 122 to 107. Deaths remained steady at 88 and active hospitalizations remained stable at five.
Lyon County now has 55.3 percent of its eligible population ages 12-plus fully vaccinated and 61 percent at least partially vaccinated. For the full population, Lyon County has 47.3 percent totally vaccinated and 52.1 percent partially vaccinated.
Over 18,000 Lyon County residents, or better than 56 percent of the total population, has been tested at least once.
Lyon County is now 18th out of the state’s 105 counties in the Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s COVID County Rankings, factoring in the county’s 12th-place rank for full vaccinations, 42nd-place status for cases per 100,000 residents and 49th-place standing for tests per 100,000 residents. Morris County leads area counties with a 12th place overall mark. Greenwood County is last areawide and is 86th statewide.