Emporia Planning Commission members had just one item up for approval during their monthly meeting Tuesday evening.
Commissioners unanimously approved a request from Steven and Mary Sanford to rezone their home at 526 Whildin from C-2 commercial to R-1 low density residential. According to Commission Chairman Kenton Thomas, the Sanford’s are looking to tear down the home and build a new one on the same property.
All of the property located to the south of the home is also classified as R-1 which Thomas says will make the area more “uniform.” The item will next go before the Emporia City Commission for final approval.
Word on when the item will see final action is pending.
In other business, commissioners held another lengthy discussion on the city’s new zoning regulations document. No decisions were made during the discussions as the meeting only served as a time for clarification and proposal of revisions.
The city planning commission will reconvene for its monthly meeting in the third week of October.