After a week’s worth of active case decreases, Lyon County Public Health’s first coronavirus data report of the week saw a moderate active case increase.
Monday, Public Health reported 22 new cases developed over the weekend pushing the overall total to 5,342 since late last March. Eight recoveries saw the active case total increase from 119 to 136.
Deaths were unchanged at 90 and active hospitalizations dipped slightly from four to three.
Meanwhile, Lyon County had more new coronavirus cases the past two weeks than it did in the prior month.
Lyon County Public Health reported 193 new cases last week after 164 cases the week before. Between Aug. 16 and Sept. 13, there were 319 new cases.
The number of new cases recently also stands in sharp contrast to stats from July 19-Aug. 6, when there were 88 cases total.
Current stats from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment show Lyon County is up to 58.2 percent of vaccine-eligible residents ages 12-plus are now fully vaccinated along with 49.7 percent of the total population. Both numbers lead the KVOE listening area. Lyon County also now has over 18,000 residents, or about 57 percent of the county’s population, that has been tested at least once.
Public Health Emergency Preparedness Director Jennifer Millbern joins KVOE’s Newsmaker segment at 7:15 am Thursday with more information about the county’s current situation and ongoing response to COVID.