The Buck Fund’s Reduced Cost Spay/Neuter Program is still available. All outdoor cats and low-income household pets qualify. Prepay by phone or in person at Tallgrass Art & Frame, 615 Commercial, 10-5pm Tues.-Fri., 10-3pm Sat. 620-343-3377
The following pets are available for adoption through the
Emporia Animal Shelter
1216 Hatcher Street, Emporia KS 66801
CALL: (620) 340-6345 or EMAIL:
Updated Shelter Hours: Walk-In Hours Sat-Wed, 10-5
Thurs & Fri by appointment only
Doug— a large neutered male Anatolian Shepherd mix
Scout—a large spayed female Rottweiler mix
Cute Cats & Kittens!—all sizes and colors
For a complete list of pets available for adoption check the Emporia Kansas Animal Shelter page at