Open enrollment is now underway for Medicare coverage.
The open enrollment period includes Part D for prescription drug coverage, but it also includes:
*Original Medicare
*Part A for inpatient hospital, nursing home, home health and hospice care
*Part B for medically necessary or preventive services
*Medicare Advantage, which can bundle Parts, A, B and D
*Medigap or supplemental insurance
Open enrollment ends Dec. 7. Residents are encouraged to review different plans and to compare costs and benefits to see what may be right for them, especially with changes in different plans from year to year. Residents already enrolled in Medicare can switch from original Medicare to Medicare Advantage or vice versa. They can also switch from one Medicare Advantage or Part D prescription plan to another. They can also sign up for a new Part D plan if they did not sign up when first eligible, although a late enrollment penalty may be involved.
Better than 500,000 Kansas residents receive health care services through Medicare. Click here for more information.