Did you want to attend any of the three COVID-19 booster shot clinics through Lyon County Public Health this month? You’re officially too late for any of the three.
Clinics for Thursday and Nov. 12 filled up within a day or two of their announcements. The clinic coming Nov. 30 — announced Monday — is also full.
On KVOE’s Morning Show on Thursday, Lyon County Public Health Emergency Preparedness Director Jennifer Millbern said the agency is working to find ways to meet the need.
No new booster clinics have been announced at this time.
Millbern also addressed the recent decision by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to authorize vaccines for children between the ages of 5-11. She says this could set the stage for reducing the use of other COVID-19 mitigation protocols, including social distancing and mask use.
Public Health is taking appointments for the three initial-shot clinics currently on the schedule: Nov. 16 at Riverside Elementary, Nov. 18 at Walnut Elementary and Nov. 23 at Timmerman Elementary. Parents wanting to have their kids vaccinated can go online to www.publichealth.lyoncounty.org. All clinics will be from 4-8 pm.
Residents wanting to schedule a booster shot but can’t attend the special clinics can call Flint Hills Community Health Center at 620-342-4864.