Over the past several months, there have been increasing concerns about COVID-19 immunity — notably, what triggers that immunity.
Lawmakers such as Kansas US Senator Roger Marshall have said natural immunity should be the source and, as a result, the focus of public policy for generating overall immunity, but Lyon County Public Health Emergency Preparedness Director Jennifer Millbern says vaccinations are a better option — and she says the list of side effects is a key reason why.
Millbern also expressed concerns about Lyon County’s new caseload traffic, which she says remains elevated. She says the recent caseload is “what we feared.”
Lyon County has added 61 new cases so far this week after 92 the week before and 71 the week of Nov. 1. Millbern says the recent traffic likely involves Halloween activities and large-scale gatherings at the end of October and the start of November. She would rather see weekly caseload numbers of 10 or less.