As work continues on Emporia’s historic upper story Rural Housing Incentive District development project, Emporia City Commissioners are currently considering the possibility of expanding the city’s options when it comes to future RHID opportunities.
City Special Projects Coordinator Jim Witt recently joined KVOE’s Talk of Emporia to discuss the work of the city to enhance and revitalize portions of the community through the RHID process. KVOE recently reported that a redevelopment project under the upper story RHID development designation is underway on Commercial Street and has already gained high praise from state officials, namely Kansas Lt. Governor David Toland.
Plans are to develop 10 new housing units in the development located at 714, 716 and 718 Commercial with the bottom half of the buildings to serve as commercial property which is separate from the RHID project. Witt believes once the development is complete, it will provide a significant boost to the local economy.
As progress continues on the historic development in downtown Emporia, city commissioners recently began discussions on expanding the city’s RHID district. The proposed extension would include areas south of 12th Avenue, north of South Ave. and between East and West Street according to Witt.
He says the new district would be designated the “core district.”
Word on when the city could lend final approval to the expansion is currently pending.