Our world is more polarized today than at any time in memory and it’s not healthy. Differences in politics, religion, guns, abortion rights, the police, and other topics are more ridged than ever and are being stoked by a media that is so confused it has no idea where truth and opinion are divided.
As individuals, we’ve lost the art of friendly debate and more seriously most of us have quit listening.
We have to wonder what happened? Not only how’d this happen, but how do we start fixing it?
I have an idea – how about starting at the beginning – with our kids. A teacher posted this and regardless of what you think of teachers, this is right on.
The teacher said:
Parents, if you let your child argue with you. They will argue with me.
If you allow your child to speak to you in a disrespectful tone, they will take that tone with me.
If you allow your child to break rules without consequences, they will not do what I say either.
You see, you are your child’s first and most important teacher. We can only build on the foundation you’ve laid at home.
Too simple? We need to start somewhere, why not at the beginning?
Make a deal with your kids to eliminate at home – arguing and using disrespectful tones and set rules that matter. The results might surprise you.
One hint, it takes two to tangle, so if Junior wants to challenge you – just don’t answer until his tone is calm and appropriate. Silence is a great tool. It works on adults too!
Good luck! I’m Steve Sauder