Parents and patrons of USD 253 Emporia Public Schools are encouraged to take part in a special online survey related to COVID-19 testing programs.
The district’s Community Relations department says the Kansas Department of Health and Environment is reviewing its programs as implemented in schools throughout the current school year, and KDHE wants feedback on how it can improve both programs and access to them across the state.
Click here for the link to the mutiple-choice survey.
Separately, and speaking of testing, a COVID-19 breathalyzer may be coming soon as a detection method.
The Food and Drug Administration has given emergency use authorization to the InspectIR COVID Breathalyzer, which can be used in medical offices or mobile testing sites and can give results in three minutes or less.
Studies indicate the InspectIR equipment accurately notes 91 percent of positive COVID samples and nearly 100 percent of negative samples, but the FDA says positive results should be confirmed with PCR tests. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has not granted its approval yet.