Last week I shared about my 3 grandsons that are all graduating by next Sunday. Today I add Kate, a niece from Ronald Reagan High School in San Antonio who is graduating Summa Cum Laude! Add in Trey who wore 4 colored cords on his robe and you understand these kids are smart as well as athletes.
In my individual messages to them I chose to share a common sense tip from my dad and their great grandpa Earl. It illustrates the value in writing personal notes with a pen and paper opposed to using a typewriter or computer.
My hope is they will ask their parents about their grandpa and hear some great tales.
I’m sharing now the Post Script I added to each of their graduation messages:
P.S. Unfortunately for the personal note to you see above I used my computer to write. Actually, I was taught mainly by my father to write as many personal communications as possible using a pen and paper, not a typewriter in his day or a computer now.
The reason my note about your high school graduation is by computer is that my penmanship has declined in recent years to the point where you might have had trouble reading it.
This is sad because what my dad believed was that personally, well written, hopefully by hand, notes were by far the most effective communications tool known to man.
So, my advice and challenge to you is to teach yourself to write in cursive or print by hand in a way that is impressive and easy to read. It will set you apart from most of your peers and make you a far more effective communicator!
A great place to start is with your signature. Your great grand dad, Earl Sauder had a masterful signature of which he was very proud. Consequently, he took extra time to make it look like the same every time, yet another challenge for you.
Thanks for reading, congratulations and Good Luck!
Uncle Steve or Papa
With many new graduates out there I’d be remiss to not wish them well. You’ve endured challenges like no other class in history and survived. Now go show the world just how resilient you are.
I’m Steve Sauder