The Emporia-Lyon County Metropolitan Area Planning Commission gave its blessing to several zoning matters at its monthly meeting Tuesday.
Board members unanimously approved a revised preliminary plan and traffic impact study for the so-called Mahtropolis housing plan near the Trusler Sports Complex after residents expressed concerns about increased traffic on Riley Street. The tentative plan calls for nearly 30 single-family homes in an area bordered by Riley Avenue on the north side, Trusler Road on the south, Whittier Street on the east and Peyton Street on the west.
Board members also unanimously approved a minor plat request for the so-called Kwik Shop Addition near 12th and Merchant, factoring in concerns about alley traffic between an apartment complex at 1107 Merchant and the former Emporia Rescue Mission site at 1119 Merchant. For years, Kwik Shop has mentioned plans to expand and reconfigure its property if the Rescue Mission moved — which it did late last year.
Separately, the board approved the rezoning of part of a parcel of land between Ninth and 12th near Michelle Street. Property near the 11th and Mary intersection will switch from R-2 medium-density residential to R-3 high-density residential. The rest will remain C-3 commercial.