If the weather holds, yet another major construction project is coming for a Lyon County highway.
Assistant County Engineer Jim Brull says there are concerns about the entire road between Emporia and Americus seeing work during this project, which involves a “leveling course” and an overlay. That’s not the case.
For the section of Americus Road just west of Emporia, work hours will be from 6:30 am to 5 pm and the affected part of the highway will be open to traffic overnight. For the Americus phase, all side streets connecting to Americus Road will be blocked once that part of the project begins.
Rain chances return Sunday night and continue through Thursday, so the actual start day for the project is in question.
This project is set to begin with other major road projects either fully underway or nearing their end. Repaving of Kansas Highway 99 between Emporia and the Lyon-Greenwood county line should be wrapping up next week and resurfacing continues along US Highway 56 in Lyon County from the Morris to Osage county lines. One-lane traffic has been in effect for both projects. In Emporia, work continues in full force on the West Sixth water line replacement project between Lincoln and Woodland as well as the West 12th water line project between Lincoln and Grand.