The City of Emporia’s fleet of vehicles is getting a much-needed overhaul thanks to a new partnership announced a week ago.
The city has entered into an agreement with Enterprise Fleet Management out of St. Louis, Missouri, where the agency will take over the management of the city’s fleet. According to City Treasurer Janet Harrouff, the new agreement will see the city receive more than 90 new vehicles over the next 3-5 years.
Vehicles will then be rotated out of service every three to five years after that which is a significant cut down on the current rotation time.
In addition to the quicker circulation, Harrouff says the newer vehicles will come with updated safety features and amenities that are lacking in the current fleet due to the age of most city vehicles. While an exact dollar figure is not available, Harrouff says the new partnership will bring significant cost savings to the city.
She also expects to see an uptick in employee morale with city staff having more reliable transportation.