Here soon, licensed child care staffers and providers will receive individual bonuses from the state for their work.
Earlier this week, Kansas Governor Laura Kelly announced individual bonuses ranging from $750 to $2,500. It’s part of $53 million set aside through a new Child Care Workforce Appreciation program funded by federal child care development funds.
Eligible providers must be “regularly” working in a paid position at a licensed facility, including all Head Start programs and preschools, school-age programs, day care homes and Department for Children and Families relative providers. Workers in this category must have at leasrt six months of continuous employment with their current employer or six months of combined continuous employment with a licensed provider.
Home-based and relative providers can also qualify, and there is a chance for workers with less than six months at a licensed facility to take advantage.
Child Care Aware of Kansas is implementing the program on behalf of DCF and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. Eligible prociders will receive a letter next month outlining the process. They have until Nov. 18 to act.