Residents attending the Emporia Friends of the Zoo’s annual Open House at the David Traylor Zoo had a great day to enjoy more than the normal zoo fare.
Partly cloudy skies and temperatures in the 70s made for a splendid day to see the zoo exhibits, chat with docents and learn more about the animals and plant life, residents had the chance to see the off-exhibit area for the only time of the year. EFOZ member Bobby Thompson enjoyed the chance to show off all aspects of the zoo.
Zoo Director Lisa Keith agreed.
Besides working with the zoo and the city of Emporia in general terms, EFOZ has been most visible the past few years in spearheading the better than $4 million Oasis capital campaign, which has already led to several major improvements with more coming this year, including a new parking lot and renovations to the Zoo Education Center. More projects are coming through Oasis, including renovated exhibits and the addition of North American river otters.