Emporia City Commissioners are all in agreement a wage increase for city staff is needed, the only question is what the increase might look like.
During their recent study session Wednesday afternoon, commissioners reviewed six potential options to that end. The option that saw the most conversation included a four percent immediate wage increase, and health insurance increase and would keep the city’s mill levy flat.
No formal decision was made as commissioners plan to bring the item back for action on Jul. 20th. Regardless of the ultimate decision, City Manager Trey Cocking tells KVOE News it will just be a “band-aid” on the issue until a wage study can be conducted later this year.
City Commissioner Erren Harter says commissioners chose to table the item for two weeks to allow for more research ahead of a formal decision, however, he says they are on a significant time crunch budget-wise.
The discussions come as 12 percent of the city’s full-time positions are vacant including 16 public safety positions within the Emporia Police Department and Emporia Fire.
During the commission’s action meeting, commissioners approved a request to submit property at 2915 W. 6th Ave. to the Kansas Department of Commerce for rural housing incentive district eligibility. According to Special Projects Coordinator Jim Witt, the landowner currently has plans to develop multiple condominiums on the property, however, those plans are subject to change per future discussions.
Witt says despite what the final product may look like, the developer has a successful track record with the city in terms of economic development.
The city may receive word on the property’s status within the next 30-45 days.
Separately, approval was also given to accept the 2021 Comprehensive Audit Report presented by Michael Keenan of Hood and Associates. According to Keenan, the city has once again received a clean opinion on its reporting procedures.
Additionally, Keenan says the city is planning to submit the report to the Government Finance Officers Association for the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. The city has received the award for the past 36 consecutive years and Keenan is confident the city will receive a 37th with the 2021 report.