Kansas US First District Congressman Tracey Mann will have mobile office hours across the KVOE listening area later this month.
July 18 is reserved for 60-minute slots in several area counties: Lyon, Chase, Morris and Wabaunsee. A meeting at Wabaunsee County’s Alma Community Center starts the area process from 10:30-11:30 am. Other locations:
*Lyon County: Emporia Public Library, 1-2 pm
*Chase County: Grand Central Hotel & Grill, Cottonwood Falls, 2:30-3:30 pm
*Morris County: Morris County Courthouse, Council Grove, 4-5 pm
Residents can get help from Mann’s staff on a variety of issues, including veterans matters, Social Security applications, passports, Medicare and Medicaid assistance, Internal Revenue Service questions, grant applications and concerns with all federal agencies.
If you have questions about whether your matter can be resolved, call Moran’s Manhattan office at 785-370-7277 or the Dodge City office at 620-682-7340.