Olpe residents will get the city’s first formal presentation on a huge community project this weekend.
Olpe has an Alumni and Community Meet and Greet from 3-8 pm Saturday at the Olpe Knights of Columbus Hall. City Clerk Joyce Wilson, the Newsmaker guest on KVOE’s Morning Show on Tuesday, says there are a lot of different features including a splash pad, walking path around Olpe Jones Park, fitness stations along the path and recent additions like a new basketball court and fencing around the softball field. Besides those features, Olpe is also looking to turn the football practice field into the main stadium with an eight-lane track and other track and field amenities. The plan also involves a field house with a community center and community weight room, early childcare center and a reversed layout for the baseball field.
Wilson says it makes sense to fold all the components into one project instead of several unrelated items — which was the original plan as USD 252 Southern Lyon County started work on the football field and track project separately from Olpe Downhome’s work on a new splash pad.
The official meet-and-greet is at 3 pm, followed by a presentation at 4 pm, spaghetti dinner at 5:30 pm and bingo at 7 pm.
Estimated cost is $8.5 million. Wilson says Olpe is pursuing interlocal agreements with several agencies, including the Lions Club, USD 252 Southern Lyon County and other entities, but much of the money will be privately funded.
For more information, call the Olpe City Clerk’s Office at 620-475-3780 or email olpedownhome@gmail.com.