Live Call-In: Emporia Chamber of Commerce
Newsmaker: A preview of Emporia’s Freedom Fest November 5th.
Tech Talk with Flint Hills Technical College President Caron Daugherty.
Newsmaker 2: Salvation Army Food Pantry Manager Brian Shintaku updates the food pantry’s situation ahead of KVOE’s Drive for Food on Oct. 20.
Candidate Forum: Lyon County Commission First District. Candidates are Ken Duft (R) and Gregg Stair (D).
MIAA Basktball Media Day
Emporia State Mens basketball Coach Craig Doty, Mayuom Boum and Kaden Evans.
Emporia State womens basketball Coach Toby Wynn, Tre’Zure Jobe and Maary Lake.
Area Coaches Corner
Emporia High – Keaton Tuttle
Burlingame – Jeff Slater