Homecoming activities are coming soon to Emporia State University.
Activities begin at 3 pm Sunday with the Amend Family Recital and continue through the end of the Homecoming musical “Curtains” on Oct. 30. In between, there are several highlights, including:
*Late Night at White, 6 pm Oct. 25
*Student tricycle races, 7 pm Oct. 26
*Sam and Jeannene Hayes Lecture, 7:30 pm Oct. 27
*Phi Delta Theta pole sit, Oct. 28-29
*Black and Gold Gala, 6:30 pm Oct. 28
*Homecoming bonfire, 8 pm Oct. 28
Numerous social events and receptions are planned. Emporia State’s Homecoming football game is Oct. 29 against Fort Hays State.