Emporia State University made its latest reinvestment announcement Wednesday — but it wasn’t like others the last two months.
Unlike other programs like art, music, business and nursing, where the university announced new or reopened positions along with new programs, ESU made no such announcement for the Teachers College on Wednesday. Instead, ESU used National Educators Week to highlight current teacher education and certification programs for all school levels, as well as its approach of immersing students in classroom training and alternate pathways to get into education. Here’s Dean of the Teachers College and Interim Co-Provost Joan Brewer:
Emporia State also pinpointed several resources for education majors, including the Teachers College Resource and Outreach Center, National Teachers Hall of Fame and ESU Literacy Center.
Emporia State continues making reinvestment announcements after having its Framework for Workforce Management, including layoffs of over 30 faculty and staff, approved by the Kansas Board of Regents two months ago.