The Family Initiative, also known as TFI, has announced a new state grant will help it offer supports to children and families of adoptive parents.
The Individualized Adoption Support grant from the Kansas Department for Children and Families will help TFI’s new Adoption Stabilization and Prevention, or ASAP, program. ASAP is designed to use evidence-based, trauma-informed practices through the Trust-Based Relational Intervention process to offer education on several topics, including adoption dynamics, mental health treatment supports and parenting skills.
TFI plans to offer this program in DCF Area 4, including Coffey and Osage counties, and Area 8 including Greenwood County. Lyon, Chase and Morris counties are in Area 2, while Wabaunsee County is in Area 3. There are currently no plans announced for expanding the grant coverage to other areas of the state.
More information is available at