When it comes to severe weather, most attention — for most of us — goes straight to tornadoes. However, floods kill more people than tornadoes or other forms of severe weather.
Flood Safety Awareness Week and Severe Weather Awareness Week both closed down Friday, and Lyon County Floodplain Administrator Sam Seeley — a guest on KVOE’s Morning Show on Friday — said people often don’t give flooding the attention or respect it deserves.
Besides the road dangers, minor flooding can cause major problems inside a home or business.
For years, Seeley has stressed the need for residents to get supplemental flood insurance for their properties. Seeley also says there is a window from when residents sign up for flood insurance to when it takes effect, so residents can’t backdate their coverage in case they suffer flood damage before starting the process.
Speaking of flood damage, insurance companies will not cover damage to vehicles if drivers go around barricades into floodwaters.
For more information about Lyon County’s floodplain regulations, management, mitigation and other items, call Seeley at 620-341-3471 or go online to lyoncounty.org and find Floodplain Mgmt under the Government drop-down tab. Click here for a link to the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Community Rating System information page.