Emporia will be hosting a statewide conference at the Lyon County Fairgrounds this weekend.
The Bowyer Community Building will host the Kansas Graziers Winter Conference Saturday. The theme for the day will be “Surviving the Drought and Managing Tough Times.”
On KVOE’s Morning Show Tuesday, Lyon County Extension Ag Agent Brian Rees announced the keynote speaker will be independent grazing lands educator, consultant, and writer Jim Gerrish.
Gerrish’s presentation will focus on several topics including how to survive a drought, how to make every drop of water count, extending the grazing season with alternative forage and managing cow costs for economic return. The presentation is timely given the significant drought conditions that have been prevalent within the KVOE listening area for the past several months.
The US Drought Monitor’s latest report this past Thursday had the north half of the KVOE listening area free of all drought designations. Most of the area’s remaining territory was listed as abnormally dry, but moderate drought is still evident across the southern half of Coffey County and part of northern Greenwood County. Severe drought covers a thin strip in southern Coffey and north-central Greenwood County.
Extreme and exceptional drought still covers most of Greenwood County.
The conference will run from 9 am to 3 pm at the Bowyer Building. To register for the conference contact Rees by calling 620-341-3220.