The Sertoma Miniature Train will be back up and running for the summer season this week.
The train’s regular season begins Thursday from 9 am to 11 am at the track in Soden’s Grove. The start of the 2023 train season follows a late start and premature end for the train’s summer season last year.
The train had to be shut down last August due to engine issues. Thankfully, club spokesperson Terri Summey says they had a pair of individuals that are “whizzes with engines” available to handle the repairs.
Train hours will be 9 am to 11 am Thursdays and 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. The cost per ride is 50 cents.
For more information find the Sertoma Club on Facebook or call 620-341-4360.