Drought is deepening across much of Kansas, and the state’s drought alert map bears that out.
Most counties in the KVOE listening area — Lyon, Chase, Coffey, Greenwood and Morris — are now in a drought emergency, which is the worst designation through the Kansas Water Office. Osage and Wabaunsee counties are in a drought warning.
Drought emergency is a significant step because it means affected counties can pull water from certain state fishing lakes and federal reservoirs if needed. Communities and residents need to file water supply requests with the Kansas Water Office if they are considering a lake withdrawal.
Kansas Governor Laura Kelly made the announcement as part of an executive order. after consultations with Water Office Director and Drought Response Team Chair Connie Owen. The executive order is now in place until further notice, although the Drought Response Team will monitor the situation and work to “minimize the negative drought-induced effects on Kansas.”
This comes as most of the KVOE listening area, especially along and south of a line from Alta Vista to Bushong to Reading to Melvern, remains in severe to extreme drought as announced by US Drought Monitor. It also comes as most of Chase County remains in a water warning through Public Wholesale Water District 26 until further notice and Emporia had to ask residents and businesses to conserve water for most of last week due to weather-driven water demand.
*Click here for more information through the Kansas Water Office.