After formally establishing the city’s first-ever Homelessness Advisory Board, the nine inaugural members have been appointed.
Following a high level of interest, roughly 20 applicants, Emporia City Commissioners chose to appoint the following members to the board:
*Mickey Edwards
*Lyn Blubaugh
*Pauline Stacchini
*Raymond Rodgers
*Sarah Henning
*Talia Smith
*Karyn Shields
*Samantha Shannon
*Jay Vehige
Emporia Mayor Susan Brinkman, a major driving force behind the board’s creation, was involved in the selection process and says each member brings a unique perspective on the issue of homelessness to the board.
Brinkman says while she knows the board will not find a permanent solution to the issue of homelessness, she believes it will provide steps to help the city reduce the number of homeless residents on the street.
The advisory board will be in place for a term of three years with further need to be evaluated following that term. The board’s establishment follows the passage of a controversial ordinance on “unlawful camping” passed back in November of 2022.
Brinkman noted at that time she felt the ordinance targeted the city’s unhoused population with future conversations eventually leading to Wednesday’s action.