USD 251 North Lyon County’s Board of Education had several lengthy discussions as part of its meeting this week.
One of those conversation points included the district’s open enrollment policy after Kansas lawmakers opened the door for that approach. Superintendent Bob Blair tells KVOE News board members have a lot of conversations ahead with the goal of having everything in place by Jan. 1.
If districts have more applications than capacity, districts have to establish a random lottery. Certain students would get priority status with the lottery, including children of district personnel living out of the district boundaries, children of military service personnel or veterans, students in state custody and homeless students.
Board members also voted unanimously on two significant athletics items after extended conversations, voting 7-0 to go from 11-man football to 8-man football and also voting 7-0 to leave the Flint Hills League and join the Lyon County League. Both moves will be effective for the 2024-25 academic year. KVOE Sports has much more on these moves.
On the operations side, Blair says the budget to date is “really sound,” with revenues up over $400,000 from this time last year, expenses down around $500,000 from last year and cash balances up over $640,000 — largely due to grant reimbursements year-to-year.