Advance voting by mail has been underway for a few days now in Lyon County. In-person advance voting is now underway as of Monday.
KVOE’s Monday Newsmaker guest, Lyon County Clerk and Election Officer Tammy Vopat, says it’s a simple process to handle advance voting in person.
Hours are 8 am to 5 pm weekdays until Nov. 6, when hours are 8 am to noon.
Lyon County’s ballot includes City Commission, City Council, Mayor and school board races. The Olpe ballot also includes a 0.5-percent sales tax for capital improvements.
Several things are coming up before the general election Nov. 7:
*KVOE’s final Candidate Forum is at 10:06 am Tuesday involving USD 253 incumbent Art Gutierrez and hopefuls Linda Forbes, Christy Grant, and Sam Tovar.
*Lyon County’s offsite voter event is from 9 am to 1 pm Saturday at the Lyon County Fairgrounds Anderson Building.
*Mail ballots have to be requested by Halloween and mailed and postmarked by Nov. 7.
*In-person advance voting ends at noon Nov. 6.