Work will continue on the Peyton Street waterline improvement project into spring 2024, but Emporia City Engineer Jim Ubert says early-stage work is currently going well.
Ubert, KVOE’s Newsmaker guest Tuesday, says early work on waterlines typically moves faster than late-stage work.
Ubert says the Peyton Street project will go from 12th south to Sixth and then jump to South Avenue before going to the Warren Way water tower.
Short-term, Ubert says Peyton at 12th will be closed so crews can send a 16-inch main across the intersection. That process could take up to three weeks, meaning heavy trucks will have to use Commercial Street instead of Peyton to get north-to-south across town.
The city is also preparing for an even bigger waterline project as the 24th Avenue replacement project gets underway, perhaps as late as summer 2024. This project will build a new waterline from the Water Treatment Plant east along 24th to Prairie and then south to 12th. Ubert says it could be until fall 2025 for that project to be done.
Emporia’s East 12th Avenue water tower renovation process now looks like it will finish by mid-November, weather permitting. Rain and cold temperatures recently have delayed the end of this work zone.