Emporia’s water watch could be in place through next weekend, however, its continuation is more of a precaution than a necessity.
The watch continues with interior work now complete on the city’s 12th Avenue water tower according to City Manager Trey Cocking during the Emporia City Commission’s recent study session Wednesday. Cocking says the next step in the process will be refilling the tower over the next week and then bringing the tower back online by the end of next weekend.
Cocking says the water watch, which has been in place since late September, will remain in place at least through that timeframe out of an abundance of caution following more than 40 water main breaks that developed when the tower went offline in September.
Once the tank is refilled there will be a 48-hour observation period where test samples will need to be submitted to ensure there is no bacterial contamination within the water. If all tests come back negative the water will then be cleared to enter the city’s system.
In response to the large number of water main breaks that occurred back in September, the city took several notable steps to help reduce the pressure on the system including the water watch and flushing city hydrants. The water that was flushed as part of that process was completely recaptured according to Cocking.
In action business Wednesday, city commissioners held a brief public hearing and later approved an ordinance establishing the Fairview Hotels Community Improvement District for the planned convention center at 3010 Eaglecrest Drive, the former Montana Mike’s restaurant. Director of Special Projects Taylor Wash says the ordinance will be published shortly, however, the CID will not take effect until at least April of next year.
Once established, the CID will remain in place for 22 years. Wash says while the CID won’t take effect til next year, the clock on the 22-year duration will begin ticking once the ordinance is published.
The CID will place a two percent sales tax only on the convention center property and adjacent Hampton Inn at 2900 Eaglecrest Drive but will not bring any additional financial burdens to the city. That being said, the city will be issuing Industrial Revenue Bonds to support the project as approved last November.
In other action business Wednesday commissioners:
*Awarded bids for the fiscal 2025 and fiscal 2026 City Connecting Link Improvement projects. The fiscal 2025 project will include mill and overlay work on Commercial Street from the Burlington Northern Santa Fe tracks south to Kansas Avenue, as well as Merchant from 12th north to Interstate 35. The fiscal 2026 project includes geometric improvements on Commercial from Kansas Avenue south to Soden’s Grove.
*Approved separate resolutions adopting the Governing Body Handbook and different building codes.
In study matters, commissioners discussed:
*Appointments to Emporia Enterprises and the Regional Development Association.
*Extending the city’s Neighborhood Revitalization area
*Procedures for boards and commissions.
The Emporia City Commission will next convene for its regular action and study meetings at 11 am beginning inside of the Municipal Courtroom at White Auditorium.