The policy framework is in place. Now USD 251 North Lyon County has a few things to add and its open enrollment policy will be complete.
Board members focused a special meeting and part of their regular meeting Tuesday on the district’s non-resident enrollment policy. Superintendent Bob Blair tells KVOE News “it’s a pretty straightforward policy.”
Blair also says the district added language where non-resident students fall out of good standing with two out-of-school suspensions in a given academic year.
The district has to determine capacity by grade and by building before May 1 so non-residents can apply for available spaces in June.
Districts across Kansas are adjusting their enrollment policies after action by the Kansas Legislature earlier this year, saying districts must allow non-resident enrollment if they have the available classroom space. Lottery systems must be enacted if districts have more transfer interest than their space allows.
USD 251 had several other points of business as well. The district celebrated its two Kansans Can Star Awards, a gold in high school graduation rates and a copper in social-emotional growth. The district also went through its recent assessment data.