The Lee Beran Recreation Center’s new Golf Zone simulator is fully installed and ready for use, however, it may still be a little while before any clubs are swung inside of it.
According to Assistant Director of Rec Operations Amanda Gutierrez, the system is fully in place with just a few minor cosmetic additions still needing to be completed. However; Gutierrez says there is still some logistical work that needs to be done before the simulator opens to the public.
The Emporia Recreation Commission met for its monthly meeting inside of the simulator Monday evening during which time the commission approved setting the hourly rates for renting the simulator. Rental fees will be $25 per hour Monday-Thursday and $35 per hour Friday-Sunday.
Gutierrez says they have set January 2nd as the tentative opening date for the simulator, however, they will open it sooner if possible.
Monday’s meeting, came just five days after the ERC had its first meeting with the Emporia City Commission regarding its proposed half or full cent sales tax to support the construction of a new rec facility in the future. No decisions have been made on the matter, however, Gutierrez says she felt that city commissioners were in favor of the idea and she believes if it were to go before city residents today it would likely pass.
Despite this, Gutierrez says last week’s conversations indicated there may need to be a larger conversation on the topic before any final decisions are made.
Additional conversations on Monday centered on the monthly leadership team updates and a review of an evaluation instrument for Director Tom McEvoy. The ERC will reconvene for its final meeting of the calendar year in December.