Newsmaker: Tyler Curtis and Amanda Mendoza discuss fundraisers for an upcoming Emporia High trip to France./
Newsmaker 2: Angela Cheever updates the annual Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland cookie sale fundraiser./Newsmaker 3: City Manager Trey Cocking discusses the third-place finish for the city’s drinking water at the international tasting contest in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia.
Area Coaches Corner.
Newsmaker: Tyler Curtis and Amanda Mendoza discuss fundraisers for an upcoming Emporia High trip to France.
Newsmaker 2: Angela Cheever updates the annual Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland cookie sale fundraiser.
Newsmaker 3: City Manager Trey Cocking discusses the third-place finish for the city’s drinking water at the international tasting contest in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia.
Area Coaches Corner
Chase County girls – Clayton Happy
Osage City girls – Kate Boss