Newman Regional Health is getting set to begin its latest strategic planning cycle and community insight is being sought as part of the process.
According to Newman CEO Cathy Pimple, the hospital will hold a series of “community engagement sessions” the week of March 18. Pimple says the sessions will follow a framework set out by the American Hospital Association and include representatives from various sectors of Emporia.
She says the hospital wants to “hear the voice of the community.”
Pimple says those attending will be “by invitation” with the event including group sessions as part of the agenda. Pimple says the hospital is looking to gain insight into a number of topics including current services, important factors for the selection of services and additional or expanded service needs.
Pimple also stated the hospital is exploring the option of a “community link” to gain additional insight from Emporians, however, she says the exact structure of that venture has yet to be discussed.