The Emporia Symphony Orchestra is teaming up with the Humane Society of the Flinthills for a special presentation this week.
ESO, in partnership with the Humane Society, will present a fundraising concert inside of Emporia State University’s Albert Taylor Hall Tuesday evening. ESO Interim Conductor Riley Day joined KVOE’s Morning Show Monday to preview the concert saying the evening will include an entertaining variety of “animal-themed” selections from several legendary composers.
Day adds he is excited for the opportunity to support the Humane Society noting it is an organization that holds a special place in his heart.
As if the musical selections weren’t enough to pique your interest, Humane Society Director Stephanie Achille says there will also be some special guests in attendance. Achille tells KVOE News they will have some dogs from the Emporia Animal Shelter serving as greeters for the evening.
The concert is free to attend, however, the Humane Society will be accepting donations throughout the evening. The concert will begin at 7:30 pm.
For more information be sure to visit the Humane Society of the Flint Hills Website or find the Humane Society or ESO on Facebook.