There was a lot of reminiscing during a two-hour stretch Monday as the Emporia Area Chamber of Commerce opened the doors of the former Maynard Early Childhood Center, showing residents the plans for the Little Lyons Childcare to come.
Chamber President and CEO Jeanine McKenna says over 50 people attended, many with stories to tell about their time connected to Maynard.
McKenna says this kind of event also energizes her and others associated with the project as work continues to hire a director and begin early renovations for Little Lyons.
The initial plan is to hire a director and renovate three rooms on the north side of the building for childcare, with south-side renovations beginning this upcoming fall and more north-side work to follow. Little Lyons will serve about 160 children and will be open 24-7 once all renovations are finished. Most of the slots will be claimed by area businesses, but Monday’s open house also let interested parents get information on how to secure spots once the facility is open.
McKenna also says the Chamber wants to ensure the futures of all local childcare facilities, not just Little Lyons, so the Chamber Foundation has established an endowment fund with the Emporia Community Foundation. McKenna says it would take a roughly $5 million endowment to make Little Lyons fully sustainable and another $5 million to do the same for local daycares as a whole.
More information is available on the Little Lyons Childcare Inc Facebook page.