Certain reports are still pending, over a month after a car crashed into the Emporia State Student Recreation Building.
Lyon County Attorney Marc Goodman says toxicology reports have not returned and could be several weeks before those are finalized.
The law enforcement investigation follows the Feb. 11 crash through the weight room on the west side of the building. Emporia Police has said an officer tried to conduct a welfare stop about 15 minutes before the crash. The driver allegedly drove off and went airborne as it crested the 18th Avenue hill on campus just west of the Student Recreation Building. The officer did not pursue due to the alleged speeds involved.
The driver’s identity has not been revealed, but Goodman says the driver was a 17-year-old male. The driver was trapped and needed to be extricated before getting medical treatment for unspecified injuries.
The building has largely reopened. University Director of Media Relations Gwen Larson says an architect firm is detailing how the roof will be supported once the damaged load-bearing wall is removed and rebuilt.