USD 251 North Lyon County board members approved a pair of purchases as part of a special meeting Tuesday.
The purchases were part of a larger, planned conversation on the district’s five-year capital outlay plan. Superintendent Bob Blair says this is part of the district’s standard operating procedure on capital improvements.
The board approved a nearly $80,000 project from DCS Services of Wichita to remove carpet from walls at the Northern Heights gymnasium, remove existing carpet from hallway walls and repaint both areas along with other related improvements. They also approved a nearly $30,000 project from Heartland Seating of Shawnee to add bleachers to the North Lyon County Elementary and Junior High.
On the five-year plan, Blair expects a few tweaks from the current document, but he also thinks the plan will be approved by the board at its next meeting May 8. Upcoming capital projects the next few months include painting the exterior of North Lyon County and new handrails in the Northern Heights gym. The press box at the Northern Heights football field could also have a renovation project.