New firearms and accessories are coming to the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office following approval by county commissioners Thursday morning.
As part of their regular action meeting, commissioners approved a purchase request from Tobey Kelly of the Sheriff’s Office for 30 new Glock 47MOS6 pistols from GT Distributors not to exceed $27,100. Kelly tells KVOE News the current firearms are right around 11 years old and it is important that deputies are carrying the most up-to-date equipment.
Also included in Thursday’s request were upgraded holsters and accessories from Mallory Safety and Supply for a total of $5,000. Kelly says there are no other major equipment updates planned at this time.
In other business, commissioners approved a request from Carol Curless of the North Lyon County Senior Center for emergency funds totaling $1,000. According to Curless, those dollars will act as a reimbursement for the center which recently utilized budgeted funds for a roof repair between last November and December.
Curless says the need for the repair was a combination of age and weather conditions.
Despite the assurance they could receive another two to three years of use out of the current roof, Curless says they are in the process of saving up money to finance a roof replacement in the near future. Curless estimates a full replacement may cost around $10,000.
Separately Thursday, commissioners held two executive sessions, one for non-elected personnel and another for legal matters. Commissioners will reconvene for their weekly action meeting next Thursday at 9 am inside of the Lyon County Courthouse Commission Chambers.