Road construction continues near Industrial Park IV west of Emporia, and the Road F paving process could hit a pair of milestones over the next month.
The first lift of asphalt paving could start near the end of June or early July with concrete curb and gutter work to follow. Also, Road 180 will close at F starting the week of July 1 to build storm sewer in the intersection. That process could take a week.
Road F from US Highway 50 north to Road 180 is getting an asphalt pavement overlay, along with storm sewer and a 10-foot-wide hike-and-bike path. Road F is currently a two-lane gravel road, but it will be converted into a three-lane curb-and-gutter asphalt street with storm sewer along the Industrial Park IV west edge.
F is closed to thru traffic between US-50 and Road 180 for the project, and that occasionally means closing the Road 180 and F intersection. The various stages of the project — storm sewer, grading, curb and gutter, pavement and markings — will continue to impact local traffic until the work is finished some time this fall.