The weather should be hot, but that should be the only weather-related concern for residents attending Admire’s Third of July celebration Saturday.
Yes, you read that correctly.
If you recall, Admire and locations nearby were hard-hit by storm activity early this month, with up to 9 inches of rain July 1 and high winds July 2. On KVOE’s Morning Show this week, City Council member Nichole Kuhn said the schedule from the original date will simply roll to Saturday.
Most of the schedule follows the town’s traditional format, but the ribbon-cutting reflects Admire’s work with Healthier Lyon County to repurpose an old basketball court as a new multi-use facility for activities like basketball, pickleball and tennis. It also offers an additional connection for people traveling through the Flint Hills Nature Trail State Park.
Admire got a $30,000 grant through Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas and its Pathways to a Healthy Kansas grant program.