When Newman Regional Health spokespeople Steven Bazan and Saylor Middleton appeared on KVOE’s 8:05 am newscast to give an update on the Denim and Diamonds fundraiser, there were still about 50 tickets for the main event Aug. 2.
None of those remain now. In fact, Newman Regional says it’s working to create additional space for the event at Emporia State’s Memorial Union Webb Hall. It plans to open up more tickets July 20.
Middleton says it has been exciting to watch the community support from several different angles.
A milestone for the signature event is taking place Friday as silent auction items go available. This year’s event will also feature a live auction and a performance from the Grammy-nominated country band Thompson Square.
The fundraising goal is $200,000, with proceeds helping to buy infant hearing equipment, a Mako Arm for robot-assisted joint replacement surgery and a radiology fluoroscopy room.
Before the main event, Newman Regional Health also has its first-ever axe-throwing fundraiser at 11 am July 20 at The Axe Shedd. Slots are still available for four-person teams.
Information is available online at newmanrh.org and 2024dd.givesmart.com.